Display stand, floor, white acrylic, with logo
Ref: 14806-10

Display stand, floor, white acrylic, with logo

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Sum vat excl.  189.00 €
Tax excluded
Quantity Unit price Sum
20 169.00 € Up to 400.00 €
10 178.00 € Up to 110.00 €
1 189.00 € Up to 0.00 €
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Stylish floor stand with your unique decal or cut text mounted on it. The high quality floor stand is specially designed to fit the modern showroom. The stand is manufactured in white acrylic, which gives an exclusive feeling while not drawing attention away from the car. The floor stand is very stable, easy to move and its design makes it very simple to change the information in the price holder.

Product Details
Shipped within 5 days after approved proof
Printable Yes
Footplate measurements 25 x 36,5 cm
Width 25 cm
Height 113,5 cm
Environmental data
Emissions co² 38.3500kg/pc

Products purchased often together with Display stand, floor, white acrylic, with logo

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